June 25 2014 Shelf near Davis Junction IL
With a very low chance for severe weather, a storm moves past Davis Junction IL.

June 21 2014 - Shelf
while a large hp supercell with a tornado warning was marching across mchenry lake county. the back end however gave us a beautiful...
June 19 2014 - Timelapse of shelf cloud
Did a quick timelapse from the shelf cloud affecting most of northern illinois on the thursday june 19. No severe weather was expected...
June 18 2014 Wall cloud in woodstock
Nice closer run for us, this one was a group of storms heading southeast out of southern wisconsin. The cells begun brief spinups along...

June 17 2014 Richmond supercell
Made a late nite run to northern mchenry county after late night hailers. This supercell begun broad rotation before becoming quickly...
Finally got our geocache is posted and online. It is located on the TransitWeather road sign on south maple st in Marengo....
June 3 2014 ASC T-135 Siren Test
Uploaded our June 3 2014 Video of the ASC T-135 siren test from Rockford in WInnebago County this morning.

Tornado Warned supercell in SE WI
RIch Dave and Erik head up to southeast wisconsin for a tornado warned supercell. We encounter the storm as it crossed Racine and...

April 28 2014 Chase *bust*
A slight chance of severe weather was forecasted for parts of eastern missouri, southern and central illinois and into most of...
April 24 2014 Wisconsin Statewide Test
April 24 2014 Test showing weather radios being activated due to the wisconsin statewide tornado drill on Thursday April 24 2014. "THE...